Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (39:31/36.1 MB)

Part three of our series about Psalm Tones. Today we hear Psalm Tone 4 (TWO mediants, FIVE terminations), and Psalm Tone 5 (TWO mediants, just ONE termination).
Check out our German introduction, too!
Feasts for the week:  September 24-30.  For more information, see the New Advent Website.
In What We Have Done, and In What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, plus a choral wedding from last Saturday; then a rundown of the music for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

1. Ave Verum (Mozart); 2. Godhead, Here in Hiding (tune: Adoro Te Devote; Mode V)
3-8. Tu Mandasti (Psalm Tones 4g, 4c, 4E, two versions of 4A, and 5a)
9-10. You Have Ordered (Psalm Tones 4g and 5a, with alternate mediant)
11. Go East, by The Plugs, courtesy of Podsafe.

Divine Mercy Podcast, iPadre Network,
Disciples with Microphones

Top Ten Things (Rest Assured) You'll Never See in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (if we can help it!), brought to you by Mammon.

Additional Links:
The Chabanel Psalm Project,
Order of St. Benedict Psalm Tone Pages

OUR CENTENNIAL IS COMING SOON! Feel free to leave some comic mischievous suggestions!

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until 11/11/2007)
CVA Interactive Corner

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (29:15/26.7 MB)

Part two of our series about Psalm Tones. Today we hear Psalm Tone 2 (with its TWO mediants), and Psalm Tone 3 (with its FIVE terminations). And for the first time in a while, our show is under a half-hour (29:15).
Feasts for the week:  September 17-23.  More info: New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-live with the Bitmap: Ridin' the high trails, the Bitmap sights a coyote, and rambles about the music of the Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

1. Our Blessing Cup (written by yours truly)
2. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (tune: Hymn to Joy)
3-8. Give Peace, O Lord (Psalm Tones 2, 3b, 3a, 3a2, 3g, and 3g2)
9. Fugue in C Minor (written by J. S. Bach, BWV 847), by Stephen Kreinberg, courtesy of Podsafe. Link to Stephen's Music Professor Podcast

Commercials: Monster Cookies, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Psalm 91 edition, brought to you by God's Own Movers and Taxi Service. (Here's an audio of the piece we called "the good".)
Additional Links: Bishop Burbidge on Summorum Pontificum, Order of St. Benedict Psalm Tone Pages

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007) / CVA Interactive Corner

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (32:30/29.7 MB)

The first of a new series about Psalm Tones. Today we break down the Psalm Tone into its parts - Intonation, Tenor, Flex, Mediant, and Termination (or Final Cadence). We also check out Psalm Tone 1 - with its ten terminations.
Feasts for the week:  September 10-15. More info: New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-live in the living room: Taking the time to relax, discuss, and play the music of the Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.

1. O God, Our Help in Ages Past (tune: St. Anne)
2-12. Domine Refugium Factus Est Nobis (Tones 8g, two forms of 1D, 1D2, 1f, 1g, 1g2, 1g3, 1a, 1a2, and 1a3)
13. Power to Believe, by Johnny Proctor, courtesy of Podsafe

Commercials: Tupelo Catholic, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus wreckovates the gradual Domine Refugium Factus Est Nobis, brought to you by Liturgical Referee.

Additional Links:
Catholic Light, Scott Hahn, Rosary Army Podcast,
That Catholic Show, Order of St. Benedict Psalm Tone Pages

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007) / CVA Interactive Corner

Monday, September 3, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (35:09/32.1 MB)

Today we look at some Latin hymns and anthems I've gotten to know and love from the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book, with 1941 Supplement.

Feasts for the week:  September 3-9.  More info: New Advent Website.

Christus Vincit Semi-live on I-95: Shamus tries to hitchhike this mammoth highway. Meanwhile we discuss and play the music of the Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time.

1. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (tune: In Babilone); 2. Magnificat (Taize/refrain only)
3. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (tune: Lauda Anima)
4. Be Thou My Vision (tune: SLANE), by Fugli, courtesy of Podsafe

Commercials: Catholic Family Podcast, iPadre Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus wreckovates the Magnificat, brought to you by Traditional Liturgy for Libbies.
Additional Links: Catholic Light, Holy Ghost Church
Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007) / CVA Interactive Corner