Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Listen below, or download here. (25:48/23.6 MB)

Today we continue our comparisons of the two editions of GIA's Gather Comprehensive hymnal (1994 and 2004), by noting the good music that was in the 1994 book that was dropped from the 2004 book, and good music not in the 1994 book that was added for 2004.

Feasts for the week: May 26-June 1.

CV Semi-Live with the Bitmap: Wait till you hear this music list I was stuck with for Corpus Christi. Definitely not for the faint of heart!
Music: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (tune: Picardy), performed by Fugli, brought to you by the Podsafe Music Network.
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus wreckovates Ecce Panis Angelorum, brought to you by Snarkies.

Awards to vote for:
Blogger's Choice Awards; Blogger's Choice: Best Religion Blog
Blogger's Choice: Best Podcast (Thank you for your support!)

CVA/CVTV Krakowska Kielbasa Wall of Fame / How to Get Your Deli on the Wall of Fame
CVA Interactive Corner (including the rapidly growing Facebook group, Fans of Christus Vincit Anywhere)

Monday, May 19, 2008


Listen below, or download here. (58:36/53.6 MB)

Today marks the premiere of a new series where we compare the two editions of GIA's Gather Comprehensive.

Feasts for the Week:  May 19-25.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live at the Softball Field: Reviewing and playing music I did for the Pentecost Vigil (Ordinary Form) and Trinity Sunday (Extraordinary Form).

1. Come, Holy Ghost (tune: Lambillotte)
2. Lord, Send out Your Spirit (Psalm 104/Psalm Tone 8G)
3. O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (tune: St. Columba)
4. The Church's One Foundation (tune: Aurelia)
5. O God, Almighty Father (refrain/tune: Gott Vater, sei Gepriesen)
6. De Trinitate (Anonymous tune); 7. Veni, Creator Spiritus (Chant, Mode VIII)
8. Salve Regina (Chant, Mode V); 9. Holy, Holy, Holy (tune: Nicaea);
10. Sanctus from St. Cecilia Mass (Charles Gounod), sung by the St. Joseph Church Choir, Columbia, SC, courtesy of Garage Band

Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus returns from his vacation and wreckovates De Trinitate. Wait till he tells you where he's been! Oy Vey! Brought to you by Better Liturgy through Technology.

Additional Links:
Catholic Light; The Spirit's Sword; Organ-ic Chemist
St. Joseph Church (Columbia, SC/parish website)

Awards to vote for:
Blogger's Choice Awards; Blogger's Choice: Best Religion Blog
Blogger's Choice: Best Podcast (Thank you for your support!)

CVA/CVTV Krakowska Kielbasa Wall of Fame / How to Get Your Deli on the Wall of Fame
CVA Interactive Corner (including the rapidly growing Facebook group, Fans of Christus Vincit Anywhere)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Listen below, or download here. (35:37/32.6 MB)

Today we will discuss why we shouldn't take it upon ourselves to toy with the Mass text for the sake of fitting it into some badly-written jingle.
Feasts for the Week:  May 5-11.  For more info, check out the New Advent Website.
CVA Suggestion Box: Pentecost and the Vigil.  For more information, see the CanticaNOVA Planning Pages for the Pentecost Vigil (which also includes an order for an extended Vigil) and Pentecost Sunday.
Music: Veni, Creator Spiritus (Chant, Mode VIII), sung by the Ensemble Vocal Pythagore, brought to you by the Classic Cat
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Come, Holy Ghost Edition, brought to you courtesy of Pterodactyl Airlines.

Additional Links:
Candlepin Challenge / Comcast 8 New England (CN8) / On Pentecost They Gathered
2008 Eucharistic Congress (Atlanta, GA) / Catholic New Media Celebration (also in Atlanta)

Awards to vote for:
Blogger's Choice Awards; Blogger's Choice: Best Religion Blog
Blogger's Choice: Best Podcast (Thank you for your support!)

CVA/CVTV Krakowska Kielbasa Wall of Fame / How to Get Your Deli on the Wall of Fame
CVA Interactive Corner (including the rapidly growing Facebook group, Fans of Christus Vincit Anywhere)

Say the Black, Do the Red" logo courtesy of Fr. John Zuhlsdorf.