Listen below, or download here. (31:18/14.3 MB)
Well, I had all the intentions of having our choir's rendition of Mozart's Ave Verum played on this episode. However, using a new recorder, as well as the choir did, the recording itself was trash. It was nothing but noise, doing the choir's excellent work absolutely no justice. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Music list for IV Lent (Laetare Sunday)
News from the Blogosphere (as reported by Fr. Jud McFry and Shamus O'Reilly)
Commercials: Catholic Rockers, iPadre
New Parody Product: Musicam Catholicam APEX (Music for the APEX Catholic)
Music: Had a Plan, Had to Change It, by Derek K. Miller, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network (I stole this cue from the iPadre, his 11th episode, for reasons stated at the top of these here show notes)
Top Ten Least Popular Musical Instruments Used at Mass (besides the guitar), brought to you by Jesuits Gone Wild
Top Ten Least Popular Musical Instruments Used at Mass (besides the guitar), brought to you by Jesuits Gone Wild
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