Listen below, or clicking here. (39:22/27.0 MB)

Also, I finally broke down and bought The New Ignatius Bible, Second Catholic Edition (pictured left)! WOOHOO!
Feasts for the Week: December 11-14
1. Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly (tune: Pleading Savior)
2. O Come, Divine Messiah (tune: Venez, Divin Messie)
3. Jerusalem, Surge (Chant, Mode II); 4. Conditor Alme Siderum (Chant, Mode IV)
5. Ave Maria, written by Franz Schubert, sung by eight-year-old soprano Julia Anthon.
Commercials: Catholic Mormon Podcast; iPadre Network; Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin, brought to you by Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Challenged. Shamus wreckovates Conditor Alme Siderum.
Additional Link:
Closing notes: Congratulations to Gerald and Erin at The Cafeteria Is Closed blog!
CVA Interactive Corner
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