Listen below, or download here. (35:58/32.9 MB)
We discuss Alexander Peloquin (pictured at left), the man and his music.
Feasts for the Week: January 31-February 3. For more info: New Advent Website
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on I-195: Premiere segment, recorded primarily while on Interstate 195, with Shamus standing by in the studio with a couple of forgotten pieces. Here we cover the music we played for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
1. Ecce Dominus Noster (Mode III); 2. Lumen Revelationem Gentium (Mode VIII)
3-6. Sanctus, Mortem Tuam Annuntiamus, Amen, and Agnus Dei (Jubilate Deo chant set)
7. The Lord's Prayer (chant in English; intoned by the iPadre himself)
8. Now Thank We All Our God (tune: Nun Danket); 9. Illumina Faciem Tuam (Mode I)
10. Sonata X, written by Andreas Oswald, performed by Chelycus, courtesy of Podsafe
Catholic: Under the Hood (Congrats, Fr. Seraphim, on 100 episodes!!!),
iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Liturgy 911: Papa Joe Ratzi and Frank A. Rinze hunt down eulogies at funeral Masses.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Eulogies Edition, brought to you by Catholic Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Go to our message forum and take the poll in the Episode #66 category.
Closing notes: February 1 is a milestone for my wife and me!
CVA Interactive Corner
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