Monday, October 29, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (43:17/39.6 MB)

We scrapped the idea of doing an audio podcast last week in favor of CVTV-2, our second videocast. This week, the audio podcast is back!  

Today's hot topic: tips on how to work around that old Allen TC-series organ from the 1960's.
Feasts for the week: October 29-November 4.  For more information, see the New Advent Website.

In What We Have Done, and In What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth Sundays of Ordinary Time, then previewing the music list for All Saints and the Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time.

1. For the Beauty of the Earth (tune: Dix)
2. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (tune: Lauda Anima)
3. O Breathe on Me, O Breath and God (tune: St. Columba)
4. Ave Verum (Mozart), sung by Valerie Myette, courtesy of Saint Leo the Great Church.

Catholic Hack (Check out the new Catholic Hack t-shirts!),
iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones

Christus Vincit Sports: Red Sox Win the World Series and Patriots Smoke Redskins, brought to you by Christ Extra Whitening Toothpaste. We forgot to mention the sponsor on our show (apologies to the Ironic Catholic), but that is our intended sponsor. During this segment, Shamus tries to grab one beer too many.
Additional Link: The Chabanel Psalm Project
Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007) / CVA Interactive Corner

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Watch below, or download here. (8:20/11.5 MB)

Sorry it's been so long since the last show. However, we did do some improving of the sound on this one. It actually lines up with the video now. That's because instead of using the camera audio, I used the audio from my trusty Olympus DS-30 recorder, then doctored it with Audacity before putting it together on ShowBiz.

Today we talk about the Extraordinary Form of the Mass that I played at St. Leo the Great Church in Pawtucket, RI.
We also play a (roughly) 90-second re-enactment of the 100th episode of Christus Vincit ANYWHERE! -- performed by squirrels!
Additional links: Christus Vincit - the BLOG!, Orthometer

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting is open until November 11, 2007)
CVA Interactive Corner (From there you can access YouTube and PyroTV to watch this video as well)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (27:54/25.5 MB)

The last of our five-part series on Psalm Tones, we cover Psalm Tone 8 and Tonus Peregrinus (aka "The Wandering Tone").  Also, Shamus tries to introduce "101 Damnations" in our intro.
Feasts for the week:  October 15-21.  For more information, see the New Advent Website.

What We Have Done, and What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time, then previewing the music list for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time. (NOTE: In a "rude interruption" towards the end, we also preview the music list for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (Extraordinary Form) at St. Leo the Great Church.)

1. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (tune: Grosser Gott)
2-6. Aufer a Me (Two forms of Psalm Tone 8G, Psalm Tone 8C, two forms of Tonus Peregrinus)
7. In All Circumstances Give Thanks (an alternate form of Psalm Tone 8G)
8. Hail Mary, by Johnny Proctor, courtesy of Podsafe.

Commercials: Daily Breakfast; iPadre Podcasting Network; Disciples with Microphones
Christus Vincit Sports: Major League Baseball Playoffs and the Patriots/Dallas Squareoff, brought to you by Snark License Plates.
Additional Link: Order of St. Benedict Psalm Tone Pages

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007) / CVA Interactive Corner

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (40:16/36.8 MB)

This special show is our 100th, and we're going to party like it's the year 99. Today we have a timeline that skims the 100 shows, thanks to an idea by "Shamusrocks" at the CVA Message Boards.

Feasts for the week:  October 8-14.  More info: New Advent Website.

In What We Have Done, and In What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, then previewing the music for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time. I also had the pleasure of meeting two top podcasters: Greg Willits of Rosary Army and That Catholic Show, and George Leite of Catholic Rockers and Going Fourth. Listen, btw, for a special prayer request during this segment.

1. I Sing the Mighty Pow'r of God (tune: Ellacombe)
2. The Worship of God in Nature (Beethoven); 3. Joy, by Charlie Crowe, courtesy of Podsafe.

Commercials: Going Fourth, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Top Ten Least Popular Things for Shamus O'Reilly to Do within the Next 100 Shows, brought to you by Alleluia Chee-Chee.

Additional Links:
The Weight of Glory, DoxaPod Audio, Odeo, Podcasting News, The Curt Jester,
Catholic: Under the Hood, Christus Vincit TV, Holy Name of Jesus Church (Providence, RI),
St. Leo the Great Church (Pawtucket, RI), St. Anthony of Padua Church (New Bedford, MA)

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007), CVA Interactive Corner

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Listen below, or download here. (38:21/35.1 MB)

More about Psalm Tones. Today we hear Psalm Tone 6 (with its THREE mediants and ONE termination), and Psalm Tone 7 (with its ONE mediant and FIVE terminations).
Feasts for the week:  October 1-7.  For more information, see the New Advent Website.
In What We Have Done, and In What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, then a rundown of the music list for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time. Here we play a "double shot" of Fr. Fred Faber.

1. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (tune: In Babilone)
2. Faith of Our Fathers (tune: St. Catherine)
3-9. Memento Verbi Tui (Two forms of Psalm Tone 6f, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7c2, 7d)
10. This is How We Know (a third form of Psalm Tone 6f)
11. St. Michael, by Paul Lisney, courtesy of Podsafe.

Commercials: Catholic Rockers, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones

Christus Vincit Sports: Major League Baseball 2007 Playoff Edition, courtesy of the Miller Beer Boycott.

Additional Links:
Rosary Army Podcast, That Catholic Show,
St. Anne's Church and Shrine (Fall River, MA);
Order of St. Benedict Psalm Tone Pages.

OUR CENTENNIAL IS COMING SOON! Feel free to stop here and leave some comic mischievous suggestions!

Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until XI-11-07)
CVA Interactive Corner