Monday, October 17, 2011

iSNARK! 178

Listen below, or download here. (45:27/41.6 MB)

For the first time in nearly four years, we have a Catholic Lost 45 to spin, brought to you courtesy of the same guys that gave us Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. The hymn is Hosanna to the Living Lord by Reginald Heber and John Baccheus Dykes. And lately, my pastor has been programming it at our parish.  Also, the iSNARK! Studio is invaded by babies, more on the revamping of Psalm 151, and the iSNARK! has re-taken up the sport of bowling!

Feasts for the Week (October 16-31 - busy one this time!)
Random Thought
Commercials: the usual three mythical sponsors, scattered in the usual way
In What We Have Done, and In What We're Going to Do: The past, Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time, and the future, Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Don't Do This at Church: two instances, scattered, but both related to each other
Top Ten Mass Translation Demands by the Folks at "Occupy K Street", brought to you by People Who Occupy Streets and Have No Clue What the Hell They're Complaining About, from the home office at the Coventry WalMart.
Feasts for the Week addendum: Blessed Pope John Paul II

1. Praise to the Holiest in the Height (tune: Newman)
2. Cantate Domino Canticum Novum (written by Vincent d'Indy)
3. Fairest Lord Jesus (tune: St. Elizabeth)
4. Hosanna to the Living Lord (tune: Hosanna)
5.Thad Helderman rocks out with Peace, courtesy of Music Alley

Additional links:  Christus Vincit Music; NetHymnal entry on Hosanna to the Living Lord

The NEW Fans of the iSNARK! Page (at Facebook) / iSNARK! Media on iTunes

Monday, October 3, 2011


You can watch below, or save the file by clicking here. (12:32/109.0 MB)

We open our video with some tips on organ registration for the new and improved Psalm settings in my pet project, dubbed Psalm 151Then we present a top ten list: Top Ten Least Popular Titles for New Mass Settings, brought to you by Who Gives a Damn?, and coming from the home office in Doggie Bag, Rhode Island (pictured left).
We then keep our word by presenting the Magnificat (which alternates between Psalm Tone 8G and polyphony by Ciro Grassi), as sung by the Trio of Sacred Heart Church, led and accompanied by yours truly.
Finally, we play a new promo for Catholic Lost 45's, which will come up on our next "radio" cast.

The NEW Fans of the iSNARK! Page (at Facebook) / iSNARK! Media on iTunes