Today we explore two hymntunes that begin the same way, carry the same time signature, and carry the same poetic meter. Here we check out the similarities between the hymntunes Hanover and Lyons.
Also, we welcome The Free Sound Project to our list of effects sources, and Shamus O'Reilly gives thanks for his snow machine.
Feasts for the Week: November 21-25
Music Lists for Holy Mass: Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Taco Bell Cannon (pictured left) is also discovered.

Feasts for the Week: November 21-25
Music Lists for Holy Mass: Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Taco Bell Cannon (pictured left) is also discovered.
1. Now Thank We All Our God (tune: Nun Danket)
2. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (tune: Picardy, arr. by Gustav Holst)
3. O Worship the King (tune: Hanover); 4. Ye Servants of God (tune: Lyons)
5. O Praise Ye the Lord (tune: Laudate Dominum)
6. Fugue in C Minor, BWV 847, for Woodwind Trio, written by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by Steve Kreinberg, brought to you by the Podsafe Music Network. Dr. Kreinberg has a Podcast called The Music Professor Podcast.
True Knights Combat Training, iPadre Podcast/iPadre Videocast,
Disciples with Microphones
News from the Blogosphere - Links mentioned:
The New Liturgical Movement, Roman Catholic Blog, Christus Vincit - The Blog,
RPInet Message Board (registration is mandatory to post, but is free),, Diocese of Salt Lake City, Free Music Staff Paper,
The Laughing Cat, Royal School of Church Music.
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin, brought to you by The Wiggles Guitar: Shamus wreckovates Johann Michael Haydn's setting of O Esca Viatorum.
Closing notes - Links mentioned: Open Book, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
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