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Good news! Two channels have picked up our feed: Odeo and Podcasting News. These are two links you can use to subscribe to our show. We're still awaiting Podcast Alley to pick us up, as well as awaiting a membership to Disciples with Microphones.
I added some music to this podcast. Thanks to the audio feature on my wife's digital camera, we taped some music from last night's Christmas Concert at Holy Ghost Church. The sound quality isn't that good, but the music itself is proof of how far our choir has come over the past 14 months. I also did a cool little echo ditty with the opening line on the words "Podcast Number 2".
Today we take you on a tour of the Instructio Generalis Missalis Romanis (General Instruction of the Roman Missal). This first part of a multi-part series explores the Entrance Chant (Introit).
Also: Holy Family is on a Friday this year!
Music (The music is better than the sound quality. I used my wife's old digital camera with the shattered flash to record the audio.):
1. Prelude on Rhosymedre (written by Ralph Vaughan Williams)
2. The Worship of God in Nature (written by Ludwig von Beethoven) (guest accompanist: Reuel Gifford)
Adoremus Society,
CanticaNOVA Publications (Shameless plug: they publish one of my hymn tunes),
The New Liturgical Movement (blog), Our Lady of Fatima Church (Lafayette, LA),
Christus Vincit - the BLOG!, iPadre.