Also, we briefly touch base on Laetare, Shamus is only "1/3 crocked", and we have five zany brand spankin' new miscellaneous outbursts.
Feasts for the week: March 19-23. For more information, check out the New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: Bitmap and Snarky review the music for the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
1-3. Organ solos on The Flight of the Earls (traditional Irish), Lorica of St. Patrick (traditional Irish), and Dohmnach Trionoide (traditional Gaelic)
4. Lord, Who Throughout these Forty Days (tune: St. Flavian)
5. The King of Love My Shepherd Is (tune: St. Columba); 6. Be Thou My Vision (tune: Slane)
7. Wild Mountain Thyme (traditional Irish), by the Dust Rhinos, brought to you by Podsafe.
Catholic Music Express/Classical Cafe for Christ,
iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Laetare, Jerusalem, courtesy of Microsoft Joke.
Additional Link: GrapeVine News Minute (in conjunction with Catholic Music Express)CVA Interactive Corner
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