Listen below, or download here. (40:16/36.8 MB)
Feasts for the week: October 8-14. More info: New Advent Website.
In What We Have Done, and In What We Are Going to Do: Reviewing the music of the Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, then previewing the music for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time. I also had the pleasure of meeting two top podcasters: Greg Willits of Rosary Army and That Catholic Show, and George Leite of Catholic Rockers and Going Fourth. Listen, btw, for a special prayer request during this segment.
1. I Sing the Mighty Pow'r of God (tune: Ellacombe)
2. The Worship of God in Nature (Beethoven); 3. Joy, by Charlie Crowe, courtesy of Podsafe.
Commercials: Going Fourth, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Additional Links:
The Weight of Glory, DoxaPod Audio, Odeo, Podcasting News, The Curt Jester,
Catholic: Under the Hood, Christus Vincit TV, Holy Name of Jesus Church (Providence, RI),
St. Leo the Great Church (Pawtucket, RI), St. Anthony of Padua Church (New Bedford, MA)
Blogger's Choice Awards (Voting open until November 11, 2007), CVA Interactive Corner
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