Listen below, or download here. (58:36/53.6 MB)

Feasts for the Week: May 19-25.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live at the Softball Field: Reviewing and playing music I did for the Pentecost Vigil (Ordinary Form) and Trinity Sunday (Extraordinary Form).
1. Come, Holy Ghost (tune: Lambillotte)
2. Lord, Send out Your Spirit (Psalm 104/Psalm Tone 8G)
3. O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (tune: St. Columba)
4. The Church's One Foundation (tune: Aurelia)
5. O God, Almighty Father (refrain/tune: Gott Vater, sei Gepriesen)
6. De Trinitate (Anonymous tune); 7. Veni, Creator Spiritus (Chant, Mode VIII)
8. Salve Regina (Chant, Mode V); 9. Holy, Holy, Holy (tune: Nicaea);
10. Sanctus from St. Cecilia Mass (Charles Gounod), sung by the St. Joseph Church Choir, Columbia, SC, courtesy of Garage Band
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus returns from his vacation and wreckovates De Trinitate. Wait till he tells you where he's been! Oy Vey! Brought to you by Better Liturgy through Technology.
Additional Links:
Catholic Light; The Spirit's Sword; Organ-ic Chemist
St. Joseph Church (Columbia, SC/parish website)
Awards to vote for:
Blogger's Choice Awards; Blogger's Choice: Best Religion Blog
Blogger's Choice: Best Podcast (Thank you for your support!)
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CVA Interactive Corner (including the rapidly growing Facebook group, Fans of Christus Vincit Anywhere)
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