Listen below, or download here. (38:08/34.9 MB)

Today we will present the Responsorial Psalm settings for Lent that I wrote and sent to the Chabanel Responsorial Psalms Project. We also tell you what I've been up to during my little hiatus, and we share a couple of stories that were given to me by my wife Ann.
Feasts for the Month: February 2009. For more info: New Advent Website.
Liturgy 101 from the School of Snark: Ash Wednesday. For more info, check out the CanticaNOVA Planning Pages for Ash Wednesday.
Don't Do This at Church (two clips)
Christus Vincit Semi-Live at the Kitchen Table: the aforementioned original Psalm settings
1-6. Excerpts from Be Merciful, O Lord, Your Ways, O Lord, I Will Walk before the Lord, Lord, You Have the Words, Taste and See, and Create a Clean Heart, all written by yours truly.
7. Antiphon from the introit Esto Mihi (Chant, Mode IV), sung by the Schola Cantorum of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Beverly, MA, Michael Olbash: schola director, Frederick McArthur: music director. Also in the schola, Rich Chonak of Catholic Light.
Hymnody in Inflationary Language, brought to you by Pope Pelosi: Shamus inflates six of the seven verses of Adoro Te Devote.
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