Listen below, or download here. (44:26/40.6 MB)

We also uncover the Catholic Grade Point Average of a couple of certain politicians
Top Ten Reasons Why Progressives Don't Like Chant
Commercial: Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project
Joey the GIRM returns for two new liturgical tips!
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Shamus O'Reilly tells the tale of the recent havoc he's wreaked with his snow machine, then wreckovates Jesu, Dulcis Memoria, brought to you by Liturgical Bluegrass
Music: (1-5 written by yours truly)
1. Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds (Psalm 96)
2. Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life (Psalm 19)
3. I Will Sing of Your Salvation (Psalm 71)
4. In the Sight of the Angels (Psalm 138)
5. Blessed Are They Who Hope (Psalm 1)
6. Johnny Proctor returns with the tried and true Power to Believe, courtesy of Music Alley
Hire a snark!
Additional link: Argent by the Tiber
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