Listen below, or download here. (49:07/44.9 MB)

Feasts for the Week: May 29-June 5.
Random Thought
Commercials for the usual "official items" scattered throughout
What Did We Sing Today - joined by Basso Profundo, the Singing Fish, who again outduels Shamus O'Reilly in a drinking contest!
Top Ten Instruments that Got the Boot from Sacred Heart over the Last Decade, brought to you by Fire.
1. Jesus Lives, Thy Terrors Now (tune: St. Albinus)
2. Alleluia from O Filii et Filiae (Chant, Mode II, sung by Basso - he had to hurry back to the bar before Shamus catches him!)
3. At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (tune: Salzburg)
4. Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life (tune: The Call)
5.This Joyful Eastertide (tune: Vreuchten)
6. Montage of O Salutaris teases (Duguet; Werner; Verbum Supernum Prodiens; Melcombe)
7. Montage of Tantum Ergo teases (Pange Lingua; Oriel; St. Thomas; Mode V; Dulce Carmen)
8. Montage of Ave Maria teases (Arcadelt; my own setting; Mode I; Schubert, sung by Julia Anthon; Victoria)
9. O Salutaris Hostia (altered form of the tune Wareham, attributed to A. J. Weiss)
10. Tantum Ergo (written by Fr. Carlo Rossini)
11. Corale Polifonicia Cascinese sings Ave Maria (written by Antonin Dvorak), courtesy of The Classic Cat
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