Listen below, or download here. (48:31/44.4 MB)
The first in a multi-part series on the new translation of the Roman Missal, that is, the Third Typical Edition, which will be in full effect on November 27, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent. Here on this "Snark-and-three-quarters-tennial" episode, we give a brief timeline, then cover changes from the Penitential Act to the Collect. Also, iSNARK! TV has a new channel on Vimeo, my rant on cell phones.
Feasts for the Week (and a half): covering August 22-31, 2011 in the Ordinary Form, Extraordinary Form, and Anglican Use.
Don't Do This at Church (three clips, scattered throughout)
Commercials for the usual virtual sponsors (three, scattered throughout)
What Did We Sing Today: Top Four Hymns You Hardly Hear at Mass.
Top Ten Least Popular Mass Changes, brought to you by Jesus Our Buddy
1. Come with Us, O Blessed Jesus (tune: Werde Munter)
2. Fairest Lord Jesus (tune: Schönster Herr Jesu)
3. Be Thou My Vision (written by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes)
4. O Worship the King (tune: Hanover)
5. Charlie Crowe spreads his Joy, courtesy of Music Alley
Additional Links:
Fr. John Muir speaks of the Mass changes on the LifeTeen Vimeo channel
Magnificat Roman Missal Companion; iSNARK! TV on You Tube
St. Paul Church (Cambridge, MA) / Boston Archdiocesan Choir School/Boston Boy Choir
Christus Vincit ANYWHERE! Episode 56
The NEW Fans of the iSNARK! Page (at Facebook) / iSNARK! Media on iTunes
Feasts for the Week (and a half): covering August 22-31, 2011 in the Ordinary Form, Extraordinary Form, and Anglican Use.
Don't Do This at Church (three clips, scattered throughout)
Commercials for the usual virtual sponsors (three, scattered throughout)
What Did We Sing Today: Top Four Hymns You Hardly Hear at Mass.

1. Come with Us, O Blessed Jesus (tune: Werde Munter)
2. Fairest Lord Jesus (tune: Schönster Herr Jesu)
3. Be Thou My Vision (written by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes)
4. O Worship the King (tune: Hanover)
5. Charlie Crowe spreads his Joy, courtesy of Music Alley
Additional Links:
Fr. John Muir speaks of the Mass changes on the LifeTeen Vimeo channel
Magnificat Roman Missal Companion; iSNARK! TV on You Tube
St. Paul Church (Cambridge, MA) / Boston Archdiocesan Choir School/Boston Boy Choir
Christus Vincit ANYWHERE! Episode 56
The NEW Fans of the iSNARK! Page (at Facebook) / iSNARK! Media on iTunes
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